Monday, February 27, 2012

St. Petersburg Sights

So, the RUSLAN ASB students have journeyed through St.Petersburg and made it to Vytegra. The journey has been very enjoyable, and full of amazing sights.

 Here we have the Winter Palace, which contained Catherine the Great's art collection.

The Historic District of St. Petersburg is made in a similar vein to the Winter Palace, and creates an artificial feel of what St. Petersburg is like. Outside of the military museums and various palaces, industry lies. Construction sights are common sights outside the Historic District, though few are actually being worked in. Some apartment buildings stand silent as the city’s population slowly decreases.

We also visited the Peter and Paul Fortress and saw the tombs of the Czars. Some of the Fortress was under recontruction. All the tombs were very simplistic with few adornments, in the modest way of Russian Orthodoxy, while the icons were very lavish.


As we departed from Peter and Paul Fortress we were able to glimpse some of the annual Maslenitsa festival, a celebration that ushers in Lent. As you can glimpse above, children are rolling others around in large blown up plastic bubbles. Out of frame people are silding down a giant snowhill. Unfortunately the ASB students were unable to participate.

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